Loved reading this series!! Such a powerful story. Would love to hear more about your decision to have more kids and what those journeys were like after such a wild initial experience (if you’re willing to share, of course!!) and to answer one of your questions: birth taught me that there is no one “right” way to do anything (esp when it comes to guving birth & parenting). Life is about weighing the pros and cons for your personal situation and making the best decisions that you can in the moment!

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Whew! We waited awhile before we decided to have more and of course I would be happy to share - they are both quite the experience as well. My son was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth and my third was a big surprise - I got pregnant with an IUD. So no shortage of stories!

You are “right” there is no “right” way - my amazing coach gave me this quote yesterday from Joseph Campbell that is so fitting for this convo I have to share:

“If you see your path laid out before you in steps, it is someone else’s path. Your path happens in the moment when you take the next action.” (Note I paraphrased a bit).

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Sounds like your family has been on quite the roller coaster! But wow, what a beautiful & crazy ride 💜 thanks so much for sharing that quote, it absolutely resonates!

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I thought that I was the only one who actually liked those mesh undies! I have a pair stored in a baby memory box in my closet. And what a beautiful way to describe the NICU--a Heaven. I delivered two NICU graduates myself, so I understand your meaning. I was losing my mind too badly to notice and appreciate synchronicities and people showing up for me during my own experience, but that just brings me right to appreciating Numbers 9 and 10. Thank you for this.

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Yay! Friends who love mesh underwear and have two NICU grads. Although it might be harder to find the mesh undies fans than it is NICU veterans - I had no idea how many of us there are until I experienced it the first time.

I am sorry you had a rough experience - it is so much and so overwhelming. I feel very fortunate that I had two relatively uneventful deliveries and easier recoveries myself - I know that helped me be able to process what was happening.

Sending lots of love! And you are so welcome. Thank you for reading.

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